November 19, 2018

Cara Membuat Surat Keterangan Sehat Mudah dan Murah

Setelah minggu lalu berhasil menerbitkan SKCK, perjuangan ku sebagai seorang jobseeker untuk memenuhi syarat administrasi dari perusahaan masih belum berakhir. Kali ini, aku harus mendapatkan surat keterangan sehat resmi dari dokter. Surat keterangan sehat adalah surat yang diterbitkan oleh dokter, rumah sakit atau puskesmas yang menyatakan bahwa pemohon sehat jasmani dan rohani.

Untungnya, perusahaan tidak mengharuskan untuk membuat surat tersebut di dokter tertentu. Konon, membuat surat keterangan sehat di dokter lebih mahal biayanya daripada membuat di Puskesmas. Berbekal pengetahuan tersebut, akhirnya ku putuskan untuk membuat surat sehat di Puskesmas saja. Tepatnya di Puskesmas Depok II, Sleman.

November 17, 2018


Sebagai fresh graduate yang merangkap sebagai jobseeker, tentu banyak sekali hal yang harus dipersiapkan untuk masalah administrasi. Salah satu syarat yang harus dipersiapkan adalah SKCK. Untuk yang belum tau, SKCK adalah Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian yang diterbitkan oleh Polri dimana berisikan catatan kejahatan seseorang. Biasanya SKCK digunakan untuk melamar pekerjaan ataupun untuk apply visa jika ingin bepergian ke luar negeri.

Aku yang belum pernah membuat SKCK ini dengan polosnya berpikir bahwa SKCK bisa dibuat walaupun beda domisili. Setelah bertanya sana-sini, ternyata masih belum bisa menerbitkan SKCK yang tidak sesuai dengan KTP yang kita miliki. Disini aku mulai panik dong. Masa iya harus terbang ke Berau cuma untuk bikin SKCK doang? Berat di ongkos bosque~ Nggak kehabisan akal, aku coba browsing dengan keyword “membuat SKCK tidak sesuai domisili”. Pencarian tersebut sedikit memberi titik terang. Pilihan pertama adalah minta surat keterangan domisili ke RT setempat dan yang kedua adalah dengan cara diwakilkan.

September 23, 2018

A Well-Spent Saturdate

My Friday was ruined. Entah apa-apa saja yang membuat hari jum’at ku terasa berantakan, sampai-sampai ku putuskan untuk tidur lebih awal. Esok harinya, hari Sabtu ini, aku pun bangun cukup pagi dengan perasaan sedikit janggal. Ada yang harus aku ungkapkan, unek-unek yang biasanya hanya di dalam pikiran. Dengan keyakinan yang kuat, akhirnya aku berani menyampaikan kejanggalan hatiku padanya. Semoga saja dia benar faham.

Sejak malam sebelumnya, aku sudah merasa rambutku perlu diguyur saking lepeknya. Tapi, namanya juga manusia, ada saja alasan untuk tak berlama-lama di pemandian. Tepat jam delapan, aku meninggalkan kamar untuk pergi ke salon langganan. Sesampainya disana, aku langsung minta dicuci lalu diluruskan rambutnya. Iya. Se-random itu.

Agustus 22, 2018

Birthday Really Is Just Another Day

On August twenty-three years ago, I was born into this cruel world. Yep, I had my birthday a while ago and wow, frikin twenty-three years old already. Where has the time went off? Just like any previous birthdays, I spent it far away from home as well as my significant other. First person that wished me happy birthday is this loving person that I been with for almost five years. He sent me bunch of messages and promised to spoil me with stuff that he knows I love the most, books! We never had cakes on our birthdays (maybe he has), so there is no such thing as blowing candles etc. And I don’t mind at all.

Agustus 07, 2018

Kopi Pagi & Hal-Hal Sepele

Dimulai dari segelas es kopi dengan tagar kopi dari hati yang aku beli kemarin sore, aku pun memulai hari ini. Tidak ada yang spesial, atau mungkin lebih tepatnya belum ada. Saat aku menulis tulisan ini, jam di sudut layar laptop menunjukkan pukul sebelas siang. Aku masih mengumpulkan niat untuk melanjutkan revisian. Bukannya mulai revisi, aku malah menulis ini. Nikmati saja. Kalau tidak ingin, juga tak apa.

Iced Coffee by Kopi Janji Jiwa

Juni 20, 2018


I’ve been staying in my hometown for two weeks now, and to be honest, I am missing Yogyakarta already. One thing that I miss the most is the uncountable coffee shop along with its wonderful vibes. Let’s be honest, if you are living in Yogyakarta or ever been to Yogyakarta before, you definitely know what I’m on about.

Today, I decided to visit one of coffee shops that exist in my hometown, Tanjung Redeb, Berau. It is located around ten minutes from my house. The place is called “The Coffee Brewers”. First impression of this place; “Damn… Why so dusty?”. Yep. This place actually looks quite nice from afar, yet kinda ‘messy’ when you step inside.

Mei 18, 2018

Pertemanan dan Bumbu Memuakkannya

cr: Pinterest
Kata orang tua dahulu, banyak anak banyak rezeki. Pun dengan berteman. Banyak teman, berarti banyak rezeki, katanya. Tapi sejak remaja, aku tak pernah setuju dengan pepatah tersebut. Aku lebih nyaman berteman dengan segelintir orang saja. Sejak SMP, SMA, hingga duduk di bangku Perguruan Tinggi. Ya itu-itu saja. Bisa lah dihitung dengan jari teman-teman yang rutin ku temui untuk sekedar ngopi ataupun rumpi.

Mei 02, 2018

Cigarettes After Sex - Sweet (Lyrics)

cr: Pinterest

Watching the video that you sent me
The one where you're showering with wet hair dripping
You know that I'm obsessed with your body
But it's the way you smile that does it for me

It's so sweet, knowing that you love me
Though we don't need to say it to each other, sweet
Knowing that I love you, and running my fingers through your hair
It's so sweet

Februari 27, 2018

Spotify Premium, How to Get It?

           I’ve been a fan of Spotify for a longest time now. Previously, I used the hacked one to get to play and shuffle any songs without getting any ads. However, I just tried the premium one these past three days because I want to get that privilege to play songs offline. Since I got no credit card, I decided to use debit card for my Spotify payment.

            First thing first, you need to have an account on Spotify. If you have one already, just go tap on “Premium” tab, and it would lead you to this one.

Februari 17, 2018


            Last month, I met one of my fav authors, Leila S. Chudori. Earlier this month (Feb, 10th), I met another fav author of mine, Naela Ali. If you haven’t heard about Naela Ali, let me tell you about her briefly. Naela Ali is an author/illustrator from Jakarta. She published three books, Stories for Rainy Days Vol. I & II and Things & Thoughts I Drew When I Was Bored, by far, and the fourth book, Stories for Rainy Days Vol. III, was officially published a week ago in all bookstores (Feb 12th).

            Lucky me that I’m still livin in Yogyakarta, cos apparently, she did a “book tour” in three big cities, Yogyakarta – Bandung – Jakarta. I was so excited to attend her book launch, since Yogya is the first city that would get her newest book cos it hasn’t out everywhere till two days later. Naela announced that in her book launch we could get special package that cost IDR 200k to get: Stories for Rainy Days Vol. III, Iron Patches, Bookmark, Sticker, and a Totebag. Fair prices to get a whole package, don’t you think?

Januari 31, 2018


            I was scrolling thru my facebook when I saw an event hold by Kepustakaan Populer Gramedia (KPG) – a book publisher, in FIB UGM on Jan 24th 2018. It was no ordinary event, since they brought my fav author, Leila S. Chudori. Yes, it’s the one and only, Bu Leila S. Chudori. Without any hesitation, I signed myself up to join the book discussion for her new book entitled “Laut Bercerita”. As none of my close friends read her book, I ended up go to the event all by myself which wasn’t a big deal for me tbh.

source: @lautbercerita

Januari 06, 2018

Recap and New Beginnings


Wow. It’s a new year already.

So much had had happen last year. From good memories to bad ones. From happy feelings to sad ones. Here are some of the highlights of my previous precious year.

2017 was a memorable year for me. Started in January with a hella heartbroken then met someone whom I could call a good friend. Had my first experience of being an intern in a startup company for about 3 months, which I learnt a lot from. Tho, I had to postpone my graduation due to my own fault cos of not working on my thesis seriously.

Januari 01, 2018

#YouWillBeFine in Fine Coffee

    I've been wanting to go to this coffee shop ever since I saw them on Instagram ages ago, but haven't really had chance to pay a visit. Fortunately, my friend asked me to go out last Friday night, then I chose this place to feed my curiosity.

    It was around 7 in the evening when we arrived at the cafe, it looked pretty lovely from the outside. Btw, Fine Coffee has its indoor and outdoor spot. For indoor one, it has pretty lovely design mainly in black color and little touch of white ones with quotes on it. Nothing special for the outdoor one, but still they have that iconic wall of quote on it, a long one!

Indoor Spot